This is a small little tutorial which will explain how to create your own little Java application which have dependencies which are in other JAR files
First create the following directory structure:
java_test | |__myapp | |__src | | |__ch | | |__eitchnet | | |__java | | | | |__META-INF | | |__MANIFEST.MF | |__bin | |__mydep | |__src | | |__ch | | |__eitchnet | | |__helloworld | | | | |__bin | |__deploy |__lib
The MANIFEST.MF file has the following content:
Main-Class: Class-Path: mydep.jar
The file has the following content:
package; import ch.eitchnet.helloworld.HelloWorld; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { HelloWorld hw = new HelloWorld(); System.out.println("HelloWorld instances: " + hw.getInstancesCount()); } }
The has the following content:
package ch.eitchnet.helloworld; public class HelloWorld { private static int instances; public HelloWorld() { System.out.println("Created HelloWorld object"); instances++; } public int getInstancesCount() { return instances; } protected void finalize() { instances--; } }
Change your directory to be in the root of our project
Compile the dependency first:
find mydep/src/ -name "*.java" | xargs javac -d mydep/bin/
Should you be using a windows system, then you have compile file by naming each one. See the java help file for more information
Create the jar:
jar cvf ./deploy/mydep.jar -C ./mydep/bin ./
Compile the app:
find myapp/src/ -name "*.java" | xargs javac -classpath ./deploy/*.jar -d myapp/bin/
Should you be using a windows system, then you have compile file by naming each one. See the java help file for more information
Create the jar:
jar cmvf ./myapp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ./deploy/myapp.jar -C ./myapp/bin ./
Run the app by specifying everything explicitly:
java -classpath ./deploy/myapp.jar:./deploy/mydep.jar
Or by running directly allowing the MANIFEST.MF to do its magic:
java -jar ./deploy/myapp.jar
grretings eitch