Australia, Day 6

Day 6, Tuesday, February 9 2010

In the morning we went to Caversham Wildlife Park which is situated just north east of Perth. The wildlife park is not just a

simple zoo, it is actually in the midle of a national park and thus also serves as a sanctuary and a nursery for animals.

There were lots of beautiful birds, marsupials and other australian animals to look at.

In the afternoon we took the bus from Magda and Kevin’s place to Fremantle, where Iris and I spent a couple of hours of sight

seeing and enjoying a good beer at the local brewery in Fremantles Cappucino Strip.

When we got back home and checked our e-mail, we got the bitter notice that our Uluru trip was unavailable for the days we

had booked it. This was quite bad since we already had booked our hostel and flights. What was really unnerving was the fact

that booking the tour online was with a special tool which didn’t allow us to book all days, so we thought that the booking

would be connected to their accounting. That was a bad thought and we were going to pay bitter for it. We wrote back hoping

that there was anything else we could do, hoping for a positive answer.