Australia, Day 39

Day 39, Sunday, March 14 2010

This morning was my last couple of hours in Tasmania, which was quite sad since I had such a fabulous time… But oh well, swapped the pictures we made on the hikes and Monika gave me some good music which I had heard on the way to and back from Coles Bay. Most were australian interprest like: The Presets, Lisa Mitchell, The beautiful girls, The Temper Trap, Wolfmother, Xavier Rudd, etc.

As time was running out, I packed my bags into the car, and we then headed out. Monika took me up the wine route for a couple of kilometres where I was able to enjoy a beautiful view over Launceston and of the Vineyards which were on the highway.

As a last stop, we went to the gorge in Launceston, where I saw what I was going to miss, as there was no time left for me to walk around through the gorge and enjoy another nice hike.

So, with a few minutes after two, we arrived at the airport. Sadly this was good-bye. I had immensly enjoyed the time with Monika in Tasmania, and was sorry to leave, but nothing is forever and I might see her soon, when she would be doing her next trip to Europe…