Australia, Day 12

Day 12, Monday, February 15 2010 ———————————- We Checked-out in the morning and then we sat around Alice Lodge writing a bit in our diaries, paging through our Lonely Planets and lost in thought. Around midday we got a taxi which we shared with a couple of Germans who also took the same plane as… Continue reading “Australia, Day 12”

Australia, Day 11

Day 11, Sunday, February 14 2010 ———————————- In the morning, after eating breakfast, rolling up the swags and putting everything back onto the trailer we drove again to Uluru. This time we did the base walk which is nearly 11km long, but we did the Mala walk the day before, so we skipped that and… Continue reading “Australia, Day 11”

Australia, Day 10

Day 10, Saturday, February 13 2010 ———————————- We got up rather early, early enough to not be bothered by the really bad flies which don’t come out before dawn. This allowed us to have our breakfast in peace. Afterwards we cleaned up the camp site, packed the swags onto the trailer and started the drive… Continue reading “Australia, Day 10”

Australia, Day 9

Day 9, Friday, February 12 2010 ———————————- Because the tour was going to leave by 6:30 in the morning we had to get up quite early. There were a couple of others leaving with us as well, so there were a few other people up as well. We dumped our stuff outside, checked out and… Continue reading “Australia, Day 9”

Australia, Day 7

Day 7, Wednesday, February 10 2010 ———————————- The next day we saw that there was really nothing that could be done and thankfully our hostel wasn’t a problem to change our booked days to a day earlier, so we did that, and after about an hour on the phone our flights were also changed to… Continue reading “Australia, Day 7”

Australia, Day 6

Day 6, Tuesday, February 9 2010 ——————————- In the morning we went to Caversham Wildlife Park which is situated just north east of Perth. The wildlife park is not just a simple zoo, it is actually in the midle of a national park and thus also serves as a sanctuary and a nursery for animals.… Continue reading “Australia, Day 6”

Australia, Day 5

Day 5, Monday, February 8 2010 ——————————- Today is the day we decided to visit Rottnest Island which is just off the coast of Perth and can be reached by ferries going off from Fremantle or Hillary’s boat harbour. We decided to go from Fremantle and John brought us to the dock early in the… Continue reading “Australia, Day 5”

Australia, Day 4

Day 4, Sunday, February 7 2010 ——————————- Today we drove to the Pinnacle Desert, which is in the Nambung National Park. On the way we stopped for lunch at Rosie’s Chicken. Rosies chicken was this real outback road stop where a woman was sitting inside which was probably as outback ozzie as can be. She… Continue reading “Australia, Day 4”

Australia, day 1

Day 1, Thursday, February 4 2010 ———————- I packed yesterday, so all I needed to do this morning was get up at the right time eat my last breakfast at home and wait for the ring at my bell. When Iris finally rang my bell, I was imersed in a T.V. show which actually fitted… Continue reading “Australia, day 1”